The ventilation system is a key decision to be made when you build a new house or rebuild an old house. The tighter you build the more important the ventilation system becomes. With todays building code in Sweden you are supposed to exchange the air every other hour...that means you have to have heat recovery in your ventilation system. We have purchased a ventilation system where you don't have any pipes! You don't need to install pipes that take up a lot of room and that should be cleaned every now and then. It is a decentralized system from Lunos.
Man borrar stora hål i väggen, 162 mm, sätter in ett rör och i röret sitter en ganska tyst (17-26 dB) fläkt och ett kermaikbatteri. Fläkten, eller donet som det kallas för, samarbetar med ett annat don. Var 70:e sekund byter de funktion mellan frånluft och tilluft. Värmen som finns i frånluften sparas i keramikbatteriet och värmer upp den nya luften som sugs in. Det ger värmeåtervinning på 85-90%! Det blir alltså mycket små värmeförluster trots att man hela tiden tar in mycket friskluft och ventilerar bort fukt och dålig luft.
You drill large holes in the wall, 162 mm, and put in a pipe in which there is a fairly quiet (17-26 dB) fan and ceramics. Two units work together, taking turns pushing air in our out, changing roles every 70 seconds. The heat in the indoor air is stored in the ceramics as it leaves the structure and preheats the incoming air. You get a heat recovery rate of 85-90%! In other words, you have rather small heat losses despite constantly taking in large amounts of fresh air and removing moisture and old air from the structure.
Nu har vi börjat installera rören i väggarna. Borrade hål med kärnborr, slammade träullit hålen och satte i rören. Skyddslock på. Snart blir det dags för elektrikern att dra elen till fläktarna!
We have started to the drill the holes in the walls and put in the pipes, with protection on. Soon it is time for the electrician to install the fans!
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